Never A Spectator

October 24, 2023 - 4:00pm to 7:30pm
never a spectator attendees

The Never a Spectator Civic Engagement Forum is a unique opportunity for Pitt students to network with some of the region’s most prominent leaders, including leaders from government and politics, foundation executives, and nonprofit and business leaders. Students join these visionaries and mentors for an evening and dinner reception devoted to sharing a vision for public service, inspiring action, and developing the pipeline of leadership needed to foster sustainable growth and regional transformation as Pittsburgh continues to evolve as one of America’s premier cities. 
During the event, students learn about the incredible legacy of Elsie Hillman and engage in small group discussions with their community mentors from the nonprofit, business, and government sectors to learn how they can jumpstart their own community involvement and make a positive impact. 



Majestic Lane, Chief Equity Officer of Allegheny Conference on Community Development will delivery this year's keynote address on Why Being Mission Driven Matters.

This program is open to University of Pittsburgh students only. Learn more and register today

Location and Address

University Club - Ballroom B
123 University Pl
Pittsburgh, PA 15213